Watch, See and Look (2)

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Read the conversation and choose the best option.

Jane: Do you like ___ movies?
a) watching b) seeing c) to see d) looking

Anne: Sure. I go to the movies every week.
J.: What kind of movies do you usually go to?
A.: I usually like ___ action movies and thrillers. What about you?
a) watching b) seeing c) to see d) looking

J.: I prefer romantic movies, or a romantic comedy.
A.: What do you mean?

J.: Something like "Pretty Woman". I've ____ it 5 times at least!
a) looked b) saw c) seen d) watch

A.: Have you ___ "My Best Friend's Wedding"? It is very much like "Pretty Woman".
a) seen b) saw c) looked d) watch

J.: Yes, you're right. By the way, I'm going to the movies tonight. Want to come?
A.: What are you going to ___ ?

a) see b) watch c) look d) watching

J.: "The Man Who Sued God".
A.: Sorry. I've ___ it already.
a) seen b) saw c) looked d) watch

J.: Is it any good?
A.: Yes, it's worth it. Oh, ___ over there. I think it's Russel Crowe!
a) see b) watch c) look d) to see

J.: Where?
A.: Over there! You ___ that table under the tall palm?
a) to see b) watch c) look d) see

J.: Yeah, that's him. Do you think I can ask him for an autograph?
A.: Why not? I've heard he's a really nice guy.
J.: Oh, well. We'll ___
a) see b) watch c) look d) to see

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