
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Exercise is one of the best ways of keeping DEPRESSED (0) depression away. It improves your body and your mind and ABLE (1) you to perform better in the work place and at home.

Proper BREATH (2) is essential if you want to get the most from exercise and you should also take into CONSIDER (3) your heart rate. In cam be HARM (4) to do too much, which is why all good fitness instructors emphsise the IMPORTANT (5) of 'listening to your body'.

When you first start you should use good JUDGE (6) because it's easy to make the mistake of using the equipment CORRECT (7) or doing too much at one time. Start slowly and build up gradually.

Exercise should not be seen as a DEMAND (8) task; it can be as easy as a quick walk. To increase your fitness STEADY (9) , exercise for 20 minutes a day, 4-6 times a week and you will notice (10) difference in your body and mind in a few weeks.

(from First Certificate Practice Test, Harrison M. & Kerr, R. OUP 1996, p.22)

(image source: https://img.freepik.com/premium-vector/african-american-girl-doing-different-activities_1308-132500.jpg)