Authentic Listenings
Lectures and Radio Programmes
Australian Windpower Company Secures Deal with China (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Radio Days (Engines of Our Ingenuity) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Risk and Responsibility (Reith Lectures. Lecture 5, 2005)
Robots Humans and The Future (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Australians lose $93m to online scams (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Solar power in 1884 (Engines of Our Ingenuity) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Our approach to innovation is dead wrong (Diana Kander | TEDxK) Listen to the recording or Watch a YouTube video (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
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Health, Wellbeing and Personal Relationships
Survey shows nation's poor are happiest (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
What is Marriage? Can we have a universal definition of marriage? (Alan Macfarlane, Cambridge University) Watch the video (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Chinese Kids are Getting Fatter (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Listen to the recording
Steroids and Body Image (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Listen to the recording
Scientists uncover new links between exercise and dementia (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Survey shows ignorance of drinking guidelines (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Stem cell research (Australian Broadcaseting Corporation) Listen to the recording
Figures show under-age children doing paid work (Australian Broadcaseting Corporation) Listen to the recording
Nature vs nurture debate taken to the music room (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Lawrence Gostin on Ebola, the WHO and the future of global health (The Conversation) Listen to the recording
Gambling Explained: Listening for numbers (Better Health Channel) Listen to the recording
Mobile health helping doctors expand treatment (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Lessons From The Longest Study On Human Development (TED) Listen to the recording or watch the presentation (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Here's the real reason you procrastinate | Fuschia Sirois (TEDxNewcastle) Listen to the recording or watch the presentation (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
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Mount Fuji May Soon Erupt (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Is the Arctic Cooling? (Arctic Science Journeys) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Smooth Sailing (Arctic Science Journeys) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Towards a green Macquarie (Macquarie University radio) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Farmers versus famine (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) Watch the video (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Invasive Species (Arctic Science Journeys) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
China introduces $62b South-North Transfer Project to ease water shortage (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
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Urban planners say smaller is better (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
City dwellers now outnumber country residents in China (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Australian population to hit 23 million (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Global population growth, box by box . Watch a TED presentation (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
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Dick Smith in conversation with Richard Fidler (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording
Marketing: Selling yourself (a short talk by Sue Morem) Listen to the recording
Tender truths: The real costs of letting the private sector deliver public services (Up Close. The University of Melbourne)Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Far north Queensland banana growers relying on overseas workers (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Clothing companies blamed for Bangladesh factory deaths (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
Smart Money Goes into Shares (Australia Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Good Manager: Empowerment, Fun, and Random Thoughts (podcast) Listen to the recording
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Producing Pidgins (Australia Broadcasting Corporation)
The Internalisation of Education (Monash University, Melbourne) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
OECD Rates Education Levels (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Crisis in Maths (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Contenders cum laude (Up Close. The University of Melbourne) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
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Tourism in Australia (La Trobe University) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
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Inside the secret shipping industry (TED) Watch the video (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
The Logistics of 50 percent (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the links provided in the worksheet)
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Keynesian Economics is Born: (Listen to the recording)
The Two Pillars of the Classical Economics: ( Listen to the recording)
Pacific youth encouraged to fight corruption (Listen to the recording) (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
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Nevil Shute (Engines of Our Ingenuity) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Cesare Lombroso (Engines of Our Ingenuity) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
How Ideas Spread (Engines of Our Ingenuity) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Nurses can't find jobs (Lateline, ABC)Watch the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Body Language Can Alert You to Liars (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
The Social History of Chocolate (La Trobe University) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
The Global Middle Class Roars (ABC, Boyer Lectures) Listen to the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
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Make Good Art (a keynote address by Neil Gaiman ) Watch the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
Why Must Artists Be Poor (TED) Watch the recording (you can also do this from the link provided in the worksheet)
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